Open Maya and set new project. Click:
File--Project--New. This step is for bettermanagement of your files in project. Inthe NAME window write your project name. In LOCATION window write your project destination directory.After that click USE DEFAULTS and Maya will set the rest for you.

Before we do sumthin' I'll show ya some UI settings for PaintFX. First chang your view to 4 panes, just click spacebar button and Maya change the view to 4 panes view.Move the mouse over FRONT PANE and click 8 on your keyboard. This change the view to PaintFX window like on pic below.

So this is a PaintFX window. This window is
useful for testing brushes and for prewiev
your brushes in perspective scene. Click
right mouse button on PaintFX window and
select PAINT--PAINT_SCENE. Now you can
paint in 3D view. This ain't real 3D perspective
view but this is for prewiev your brushes.
So you can paint in this pane and see rendered
stroke of your brush. Try it, select any brush and
paint it. If ya wanna see rendered brush open
HotBox over PaintFx pane and
If refresh rate is very, very slow you can change
resolution of your PaintFX pane. Open HotBox and
click: RESOLUTION, and choose resolution you want. The standard: alt + mouse button work like in
PERSPECTIVE_VIEW but if ya wanna select any
object or stroke you should click and hold Ctrl button.
Ok. So now we are ready to develope fire. Open
VISOR, you find it
or just click icon in PaintFX pane like in pic below.
Select black default paint brush.

You can paint direct in your pane or using
sum geometry to paint on it. I suggest here
to create nurbs plane to better get better
view of your brush. So create nurbs
plane - nurbs coz PaintFX works only on
nurbs geometry. Click: CREATE--NURBS
_PRIMITIVES--PLANE. Click 6 on your
keyboard to go in SHADED mode and
scale a little bit your plane.
Sumthin' like on pic:

And before you do sumthin' check the HISTORY
on. This is very helpfull to edit and get full control
on your creation process. The history icon is here:

Select nurbs plane and open HotBox, than
With default black brush selected paint one
simple stroke on nurbs plane. If your pointer
didn't change for PaintFX pointer just click "Y"
on your keyboard. And remember that you can
interactively change the size of your brush
using "B" key with left mouse button. There is
also another way to paint on geometry and I
prefer this way coz it give ya more control and
not so many CV on curve. So first make surface
live. Select nurbs plane and click bid red
magnet on status line:

Click: CREATE--CV_CURVE_TOOL and open
option box near it. Reset settings and close it.
Like on pic below:

Draw about 5 CV's on plane then clik ENTER.
Click once again MAKE_SURFACE_LIVE button.

Select default black brush from VISOR. Now
select curve on surface open HotBox and click:
_BRUSH_TO_CURVES. Now you added brush
to curve. Remember that if ya got problem with
selecting there are sumthin' like selection masks.
So just click correct mask:

To see better what's goin' on open HYPER_GRAPH.
WINDOW--HYPERGRAPH. You can also make a
hoKey for that. I just click alt+G to open it. You'll find
In Hypergraph you'll see sumthin' like on pic below.

Go to PaintFX pane. If ya not in 3D view then
right click on it and choose:
Now you should sumthin' like this:

Select your brush and open AttributeEditor. To
select brush open Hypergraph. You'll find
or you can make hotkey for this I got this one
under: alt+a. Just play a little bit with Hotkeys:

Set values for attributes like here below and
remember to change view to PaintFX

Next set values like here:

And like here:

And like here:

And like here:

Did I mention one pic is more worth
than thousand words:

Next set values like here:

Set values like here:

And next set like here:

Change to PERSPECTIVE_VIEW, open
Set the END_TIME to sumthin' like on pic.
You can now play animation to see how fire
behaves. If animation ain't smooth you
To do this select your stroke and click: DISPLAY--STROKE_DISPLAY_QUALITY--CUSTOM
and move the slider from right to left, then play
animation again and find the best display
setting to get smooth animation.

Next important thing is Looping animation.
Play animation and you can note that between
endTime and startTime there is seam or break,
no matter how I name it but more important is
remove this artifact. This is very simple. Just
select stroke and click: PAINT_EFFECTS--BRUSH_ANIMATION
option box near it. Set the values like here:

Now you can render fire to see how it looks.
So open the render globals and set values
like on the pic below. Remember that Render
Globals are in here:
or just click an icon on Status_Line.



Render scene. Should get sumthin
' like here below:

If ya dont'l like how this fire looks then
just play a little bit with attributes values
to achive satisfactory effect. Next we'll save our Fire to use it in the
_PRESETS.Next write label for your fire brush,
select directory for it. Then click the GRAB_ICON
and drag selection window over your fire
(in PaintEffects scene window).
That's all here. If ya wanna see saved
fire just open up VISOR.

Now we create nurbs curve.
click the option box. Reset tool and close it.

Create any name using Cv_Curve_Tool.
I made Evermotion but ya also can write
sumthin' like Marian Brzeczyszczykiewicz,
doesn't matter.

I assume that ya know what cv curve tool
is and know how use this stuff. If not... well
there is sumthin' like Maya docs :> If ya need more control you can add more
CVs. Just right click on your curve and choose:
CURVE_POINT, next click places on curve
when ya need add CVs using Shift. After that
click option box. Reset tool, Insert CVs and

Ok. So we got nice lookin' curve. Now we should
attach our Fire to this curve. Open VISOR and find
saved Fire. I called my Fire: MomoFire in fire directory.
Like here:

Select curve and click:

Ok. Now I wanna animate stroke to see
animation. Ya know, created CV curve is
just path for your brush. So animating
stroke we get result sumthin' like burnin'
name. Select stroke using, in example,
Hypergraph and open AttributeEditor:

We'll animate: MaxClip attribute.

Change the value of MaxClip attribute
to: 0. Go to start of playback range.
Right click on: MaxClip attribute and
select: Set_Key. Next go to end of
playback range, change MaxClip to 1
and again right click on MaxClip and
select: Set_Key. Rewind and play
animation. Next we need to add sum EnvironmentFog.
Go to RenderGlobals node, MayaSoftware
tab and go to Render_Options. Like on pic:

First click on box near EnvironmentFog
next click black arrow. Set values for
attributes like here:

First click on box near EnvironmentFog
next click black arrow. Set values for
attributes like here:

Few usefull tips. Select any object on
scene and open Attribute Editor next
look at pic below to understand
what's goin' on:

Render scene to see how fire looks.
I get sumthin' like here:

One note here below:

You can also animate the camera
moving. First choose camera ya
wanna to animate. Or using default
PerspectiveCamera click
only 3 or 4 keys to animate it. We
won't use here any motion paths or
stuff like that. Just set camera in best
place to view fire and moving through
Timeline set keys for it. Look below to
understand it better:

Remember that after ya set keys for
camera don't move it. Better create
new camera to see what's goin' on
in your scene. To create new camera
and choose created camera. Now it's time to do Batch_Render.
Set stuff like on pic below:

and option box. Set like this:

To see rendering process
open ScriptEditor.

One note after rendering. I noticed
that EnvironmentFog only disturbs.
So I break the connection and I
made final rendering without it.
I also find that the fire animation
doesn't look proper and fire need
sumthin' like glow. So go to fire
stroke, open Attribute_Editor and
change the Shader_Glow attribute
value to sumthin' about: 0.014.

You should try yourself play with attribute's
values to see what will happen. What will
happen if I do this or that. Ok it's time to
composite all rendered stuff in Shake. Open Shake. Click: FILE_IN to load all
rendered frames. Then find directory
where frames are.

Next load frames.

I found that very nice is writing description directly on pic so:

Do like here:

Next Shake will open SaveImage or
Sequence window. Enter there
name for your final animation
with extension and click ok.

Choose file format and correct
codec. Like here:

Do like here below:
