Hello guys today's tutorial is based upon a quick RandD i was performing at Zoom Entertainment Television's Post-Production Department.This tut deals with three application integration with each other.
First we'll create a text inside 3DS Max, then export this text inside Cinema 4D and then render off the scene using Cinema 4D's GSGSkill shaders and studio based lights and further rendering off the entire scene and compositing them inside After Effects. Here again were not making a direct AE file from Cinema 4D.
It is very simple tutorial, even this tut canbe made inside any 3D application. Not limited to any 3D application, now we can even make this entire scene inside After Effects and Video-Co-Pilot's 3D Element (Of course you'll need to purchasea it). Anyways getting back to our tutorial. I just needed to show how multiple application can make your work simpler than just rotting inside one application.
And always remember that this industry is growing rapidly and it need artist who can work on different platform anddifferent application and get their job done.

Part :- 1
3DS Max
Now better get it started with.
- Create a text with any font and type you want inside 3DS Max. Type any name you want. Mu focus is to show some basic golden shader inside Cinema 4D.
- So go to the command panel of 3DS Max and hit the "Shape" from create panel. Hit text on front screen nd rename your text and give some proper size and scale to it. Make whatever changes you want 'coz once we export our scene from 3DS Ma to Cinema 4D there would be no changes or say C4D wont take any changes rather.
- So i have written same text twice one making the outline and second making the packshot text.
- Have a look t the screenshot for better visualization.

1) The outline will represent the Golden shader , while the inner text will represent some shiny black material.
2) Time to export. OK so go in the File Menu, Export and choose "3D Studio" as your prime exporting file form.
3) Time to move our text from 3DS Max to Cinema 4D.

Part :- 2
Cinema 4D
- Fire up your Cinema4D.exe and choose a new file once launched.
- Go to the File menu andchoose open from the file menu and choose open your Goldie.
- So once you open your file it will prompt something like this in the screenshot below.
- OK this is how it looks.

1) Now create a new shader name it as
2) Gold_Shader" and amend these shader properties as shown in these following 3 snapshots below.

- Apply this newly created gold shader to the outline of the text.
- Now hit render button and check it out on how does it look.

1) OK so this is how it looks. Pretty much basic. Need to make more arrangements.
2)Now create another shaderand name it "Black_Shiny_Shader".

1) Amend these shader properties as shown in the snapshot. Apply this shader to the packshot inner text and render of to see how does that scene looks.

1) Create a new camera if you want animation .
2) All light w need lights to activate our shader.You are free to use any kind of lights available in cinema 4D. But you must have gone through first tutorial of cinema 4D then you must have known through the presets available. The most important lights that i use are (OverheadSoftbox.c4d , Softbox.c4d , SkyLight.c4d ). You can use this or the others if you wish.
3) Render off one frame and see the result.

1) Now as you see at my C4D’s medit, I have created some different types of shader for testing the betterment of scene.
2) You can create any texture or manipulate the shaders available in the library of Cinema 4D and GreySkillGorilla.
3) Kindly do not delete the rest of the materials, as they contains a strong connection with our light source.
4) All seems good. If you have camera animated, then you can go to the render settings and make these following changes as shown in the snapshot.
5) Here is the snapshot of my light set ups.

6) And so here is the final settings of Cinema 4D Rendering Tab.

7) Ambient Occlusion has been added along wit GI. Here it is.

Part :- 3
After Effects
1) Time to compose these renders in any of your compositing application(s).
2) So, let make a new composition naming "Goldie" and apply the setting and values for this Goldie Composition as shown in the snapshot below.

3) Drag your footage Goldie that you have rendered out in Cinema 4D inside the comp you have just created.
4) Now as you see that we have our rendered file with matte extracted. So go to the Layer menu and hit precomp to create a “Goldie_PreComposition”. So we can make another and extra changes.See the snapshot for better visualization.

5) OK so once you have pre comp your Goldie footage. Duplicate it once and remaneir as "Goldie_Fast_Blur" and set your mode to "Overlay".
6)Again make a duplicate your first layer and rename it as "Goldie_Luma_Vertical". Now go to the Effects and Presets and add Luma Key to our current layer and make changes to our Luma Key parameters.
Luma Key:-
Also add Dirctional Blur to the very same layer and make changes for Directional Blur below.
Directional Blur:-
Direction=0x 0.0deg.
Blur Length=300.0
Once you have finished this , set your current layer to "Screen" mode.
See snapshot to clear your view.
7) Duplicate the latest layer .All we have to do is just go the Effect Control Panel and change your Dirrectional Blur Direction from 0.0 to 90deg. Rename this layer as "Goldie_Luma_Horizontal" .
8) If you want you can again duplicate this layer and change your angle to +45 and next layer to be -45degs.So you’ll get some cross lines representing some glowish lines flowing via Goldie text.

9) Create a new adjustment layer and add Glow Effects to our adjustment layer.Make changes as shown in snapshot.

10) Now duplicate the very same layer OR you can create an adjustment layer and add "Magic_Looks" and make these following changes as shown in the snapshot.

11) This is how my snapshot looks. All i have done is made a multiple copies of my base layer and added some effects from third party. Like Red Gaints Magic Bullet Looks. One of the most professional and demanding add-on for After Effects.
12) Earlier it use to take lot of pain to achieve these kinds of effects and sine when Red Giant has been evolved fro After effects work has been pretty much faster. So once you have installed Looks you'll get varieties of pre-made effects which even you can create effects by adding on adjustment and solid layer. But it takes time to get that level. So anyways even in this goldie project you are free to use Looks.
13) Once you have achieved your effect, it’s time to move and make BG.
14) Alright now create a new solid layer and name it as "BG". Color wont matter. Add Cell Pattern to our solid layer and amend the changes as shown in the snapshot.

15) Then create an adjustment layer and ad Fractal Noise and amend the following changes.
Fractal Nosie:-
Now animate your evolution from frame 0 till end frame. Make this layer to overlay mode.
16) OK now we duplicate our first solid layer and set it toMultiply mode. Add Colorama to our duplicated BG solid layer and choose "Golden_2" preset from the preset palate of the output cycle.

17) Create another adjustment layer and add Glow effect to it and amend the following changes to it.,
18)Glow Effect:-
- Glow Threshold=60%
- Glow Radius=167.0,while rest remains the same.
- Hereafter you are on your own to make any further changes you want using shine and or from Boris Continum or any other third party if you wish.
- Now last step to finish our work. Creat another solid layer and add 4-color Gradient effect to it.
- YES it will go over the entire layer. You'll need to make it out using circular mask twice.See the screenshot .

- OK so duplicate th very same layer and make that layer on Screen mode.
- Alright now,you can either animate that ring layer or you can keep it straight as it is.
- Finally i have added andLetterBoxer effect to new adjustment layer.
- Here is the final look of the scene.

- Also here is the alternate result of our scene without BG.
- Hope this tutorial has been some help to you all.
- Been busy wrapping some stuff in Zoom Entertainment Production work.