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  • Mr.Andre Surya

  • Ques:  Tell us something about your education and family background?

    Ans: I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia at Oktober 1984, and studied in local university here in Jakarta, called Tarumanagara university, but when I finished my first year in university a company called me about a job opportunity, well without thinking too much I’m taking the chance and leaving the university, and becoming a Lighting artist for architectural vizualisation and advertising project for them. 2 years later I decided to left the company and studied overseas in Vanarts, Vancouver, Canada.


    Ques:  Will you please give our readers a glance of your career till now?

    Ans: Well after I studied in Vanarts I sent my resume and portfolio to Lucasfilm USA but unfortunetly  it’s tough for them to get the visa, plus that they just opening a new branch in Singapore “Lucasfilm Singapore” and they offered me to work there instead as the working visa is easier to get than US, well because it just 1 hour flight for me from my home country, so I take the chance for sure. Which eventually got me landed to work in my dream job “work for ILM!”


    Ques:  When you plan to make career in this field?

    Ans: I was Interested in CG since I was a first grade of high school or around 17 years old. So it’s been more than 10 years now.


    Ques:  You are studied at VanArts, Vancouver. Will you tell us something about your study system?

    Ans: The study system for me in vanarts personally that it’s have very good  VFX program, not sure about other program, but anyone who want to jump to the VFX program I really recommend it . As they teach many basic understanding of VFX.


    Ques:  Will you tell us one greatest challenge and one easiest work until now?

    Ans: Greatest challenge would be doing Rango, since I’m working on the project for 1 year full, lighting and compositing several shots, easiest would be doing my one of the shot for Transformers: revenge of the fallen I guess, lighting a bg object which is very small and far2 away J.

    Ques:  Which artwork is your personal favorite and why?

    Ans: I personally like Somewhere in The sky for my personal work, since it got many awards from all around the world. And I like the color and feeling of the interior too .

    Ques:  Do you created any design without any reference, from your own visualization? If yes, tell us about this?

    Ans: Yes I did created my artwork from reference and also from visualizarion, it’s kinda mixed actually, sometimes I got inspiration from music too.

    Ques:  What are your hobbies and how you spend your free time?

    Ans: I love playing football/soccer (indoor or outdoor) I played regularly every week, other than that of course I love watching movies and play games in my free time.

    Ques:  How many movies you worked in till now?

    Ans: Total of 10 feature films.

    Ques:  Which studio you working in current time and what is your experience in this studio?

    Ans: Right now I just opened a studio in Indonesia called Enspire Studio,, prior of that I was working in Industrial Light and Magic Singapore as a digital artist for their feature films project, include : Iron man 1 and 2, Transformers : Revenge of the fallen, Terminator : Salvation, Star Trek, Rango to name a few.

    Ques:  In what commercial projects you have worked in and on what profile?

    Ans: I was working on LG, mcdonald and burger king commercial in ILM Singapore.

    Ques:  How you manage your time from your busy schedule to create an design work for yourself?

    Ans: I think as long as you have a passion to do something that you like you always have time for it.

    Ques:  What’s your current projects are, please let us know more about it?

    Ans: I just finished directing and a vfx supervisor myself on short called “The Escape” by my own studio, Enspire Studio, it’s already got many awards and got many official selection from film festivals recognition from all around the world, for more information about the short you can visit

    Ques:  Would you like to say something about animation carnival magazine?

    Ans: Keep on going!, magazine or media-medium like this in CG world always support us as an artist to grow and motivated all other artists around the world, to share and improve each other knowledge about CG as well.

    Thank you for taking the time out From your Busy schedule to answer these questions and share your knowledge with Animation Carnival.