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  • Mr.Jishu Banerjee

  • 22.jpg

    Ques: How you deal with your social accounts?

    Ans: I like it .That’s how I find my old friends and colleagues.

    Ques: Who was your favorite character since childhood?

    Ans:  Batman and still it’s my favorite character.

    Ques: When you plan to make career in this field?

    Ans: After complete my graduation.

    Ques:Which character you like to draw?

    Ans: I am trying to make a photorealistic model like curious case of Benjamin button

    Ques: What your current projects are?

    Ans: Currently I am working on a game cinematic and its very exciting project, lots of superhero characters, battle sequences, etc.

    Ques: Institutes have degree course with huge fee structure. What’s your opinion on this?

    Ans: I don’t want to criticize about any institute or course structure. But I think animation is a practical subject and if you know well then no body ask you what your degree .So degree or certificate is totally useless for animation field.

    Ques: How you manage your time from your busy schedule to create an art work for yourself?

    Ans: I love to model and it’s my passion. I can’t live without it, so it’s obvious for me to manage time for it. Now coz I am working I give less time to create character I like. Mostly I do this in night and some time when I am free on week days or weekends.

    Ques: What do you do when you found yourself free (more on the weekends or may be on week off)?

    Ans: The modeling work. Some time move out with friends. But more often I do the work I love the most and that is model a new concept.

    Ques: In the end what’s your message to the students of this field?

    Ans: Do hard work, do self study, do not depend on faculty. Your career is in your hand, make it good or best.

    Ques: Would you like to say something about animation carnival magazine and its initiative “Share Your Knowledge”?

    Ans: I think this is good for the student and professionals like me. If we share our knowledge with others it surly helps each one of us. When I was a faculty, I use to teach all the subjects which are useful to students. I love to support Animation Carnival in this initiative. Best of luck Guys.

    Thank you for taking the time out From your Busy schedule to answer these questions and share your knowledge with Animation Carnival.