Ques: Can we start off with just a quick introduction and a bit about you for the readers, please?
Ans: My name is Luca Nemolato, I'm born in Naples,Italy and I'm a 20 years old Concept artist and Illustrator currently working at the Aaron Sims Company as a Concept Artist specialized in Character and Creature Design. I left my country when I was 19 years old for the first time to attend some courses at the Gnomon School Of Visual Effects, then I started an Internship at the Aaron Sims Company, where I'm officially working now from my country.

Ques: Tell us something about your education in arts?
Ans: I graduated from the Artistic Lyceum of Naples, in Italy when I was 18 years old, but I wasn't really happy with the education I had there. Most of my artistic education was achieved from the Gnomon Workshop dvd's, which where really useful because I could be in touch with an artistic world so far from where I was.
So I decided to move in Los Angeles in order to follow some courses at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects, but I was able to attend just four courses. But then I had the chance to start an Internship at the ASC, where I was in contact with some of the best artists around, that showed me a new level of work, teaching me most of the tricks I know today.

Ques: Since when you are in this field?
Ans: I've been working in the professional word from the start of my Intern at the ASC, less then one year ago. But I already had the pleasure to work with big budget movies, videogames and commercials.
Ques: What is your favorite cartoon character and why do you like this?
Ans: I don't really have a favorite cartoon character, usually I'm not a big fun of too stylized cartoons. But if I have to quote one maybe Spiderman can be my favorite, since I'm a big fun of comic books.
Ques: Do you use any special techniques and tools, such as a tablet, or is it mainly the mouse doing all the work?
Ans: Of course I use a digital tablet. It would be pretty impossible to work with a mouse with the results we need. I simple little digital tablet can really change the point of view of any artists. It worked for me when I was 16 years old and my father asked me to try to work with one of them to see what I could do. It was a real discover that changed my life, it really gives you an entire set of tools in one little pen and some softwares.
Ques: You have lot of wonderful arts, which one is your best art till now?
Ans: Thank you for the compliment. Is hard to say what's my best since for me every works I do became old since I finish it, because I always try to push my knowledges forward for every works I have to do, in order to achieve improvement everytime. Maybe my last personal work "Alien Hunter" can be the example of how I'm looking in a new way to my creatures, trying to put them always in an environment from now on.
But unfortunately I can't show all my professional works, since the projects I worked for still unpublished.
Ques: What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard?
Ans: That's an hard question to answer for me. I really enjoy all the process of designing something. But maybe I can say that the easiest part can be the finalization of the design in photoshop, if I'm working with a 3D model, where I can paint final details directly on my final image. I really enjoy that part because I'm close to the final look of what I'm designing. And maybe the hardest part is the start of a design, where you don't have anything in front of you and you need to create it from simple shapes.
Ques: You are working with 2d and 3d both section so tell me that which field your first favorite and why?
Ans: I can't chose what is my favorite, it's really hard for me, since I enjoy work with all kind of tools, from a pencil to a digital pen or a tattoo machine. I think what makes an artist better then another is how versatile he can be, this means that, this kind of artist is able to learn useful trick and techniques from another media that can be useful for is art in general.
Ques: What’s your hobbies and how you spend your free time for these?
Ans: My hobby is practically my job. I really do the job I like.
But in I spend my free time also doing Kick Boxing , the sport of my life since 6 years. And of course I love to hang out with my friends, eating good Italian food of course. And often I also like to train my skills drawing, painting and learning from training dvd's.
Ques: What helped you to become the person you are today?
Ans: I think it's the passion and dedication to what I really wanted to do. I always believed in my dream to became an artist. But also is thanks to my family that always believed in me.
Ques: What’s your one line slogan for motivating animation or cg student?
Ans: Believe in yourself and love what you do. And also I think that everyday is a crucial day to became what you really want to be, don't' loose time. Remember that there is always someone ready to overcome you.
Ques: Any massage for our readers?
Ans: I want to thank everybody for reading this interview. And also I invite everybody to take a look to my blog at "lucanemolato.blogspot.it" where you can find all my works.
Ques: Some words for Animation Carnival?
Ans: I really want to say thanks to Animation Carnival for this interview, I really enjoyed answering these questions, I hope they will help all the people that want to become an artist.
Thank you for taking the time out From your Busy schedule to answer these questions and share your knowledge with Animation Carnival.