Ques. Tell us something about your education in arts?
Ans: After graduating from University of Technology Mara (UiTM). I worked in magazine publishing as an art director. Nearly 20 years experience in this field.

Ques. Since when you are in this field?
Ans: Upon graduation in 1980, I worked in a well-known publications in Kuala Lumpur as an artist. After that I’m joint Kancil Art Gallery 2012.

Ques. What is your experience asan art director in Kancil art gallery?
Ans: Kancil Art Gallery was a new established. I was involved in concept design work and painting. Usually the entry of an uncertain project. I am also involved in projects to maintain success.

Ques. You are a freelance artist;please tell us about demands of art clients and what is your process on it?
Ans: Before to joining the Kancil Art Gallery I have been an freelance artist. The challenge is quite wonderful artist just really hard for some to survive. Unpredictable customer demands. Because of stiff competition out there to be an independent artist we can produce quality work.

Ques. You have clients from different countries, how you manage them?
Ans: Our customers from various countries. Works as text books, advertising, painting, digital art, caricature and etc. All the work we offer for our customers from outside to deal through Internet.

Ques. Tell us about your art “Zapin-Malay traditional dance”?
Ans: Zapin dance is one of the most popular traditional Malay dance in Malaysia. A lot of efforts are being done by individuals, organizations even government to keep this dance alive. This dance is usually performed for official functions, holiday celebrations, to welcome guests and so on. Almost all schools in Malaysia have Zapin club and dance group. A cultural art will only survive if it were passed on to the next generation starting at a young age.

Ques. You have lot of wonderful arts, which one is your best art till now?
Ans: Since working in this field, I have tried a lot of media including water color, oil paint, acrylic, digital art and collage.For me,collage is more interesting and challenging.If we just squeeze the tube tothe color of the paint ingbuta collage wehad to choose certain colors to be displayed on the surface of the board. Tome, the size of 1'x1’ take several days. Although this complexisvery satisfying when completed.

Ques. What part of designing is most fun and easy, and what is most hard?
Ans: Among the works is so call simple and enjoyable is digital art, easy to find many new lessons. The more accessible the more fun. Children'sbooks(story books) fantasyartissuch asthe childenters the worldin producingillustrations.
Ques. Which type tools you used for painting?
Ans: For digital art I prefer using software Photoshop and Painter.
Ques. Please tell us more about Kancil art gallery?
Ans: Kancil Art Gallery (KAG) is an online art gallery that specializes in painting of portraits and caricatures as well as paintings with life and nature themes. Our main medium are oil paintings and digital paintings.
KAG is the pioneer in Malaysia in creating paintings that we call ‘The Making of Masterpiece (TMM)’. Paintings under TMM label are oil paintings with large size such as 4’ x 6’, 5’ x 7’ or larger.
We pioneered paintings that have images of traditional Malay, Chinese, Indian and other ethnicity in Malaysia and Asia. Therefore, parties that are interested to own a portrait, be it individuals, families or groups that wears traditional clothes of a particular ethnicity, we will render a high class workmAnship akin to Ferraris of paintings if we may say so.
Through digital paintings, we produce unique works that covers several themes according clients needs such as book publishers, hotels, museums and art galleries.
Caricatures in Malaysia are not a big thing. Through KAG, we are using our organization and gallery to rebrand this form of art focusing our caricatures to international celebrities, sports figures and politiciAns.
Even though KAG, as an online art gallery, has been on the market for less than a year, our artists are experienced painters that are the best in their field in Malaysia. They had created masterpieces and had been showcased in several art exhibitions before.
Thorough KAG, these painters’ talents will be showcased in the international level. It is our plan to display our works in a high profile art exhibition before the end of 2012.
Ques. You working with a team, can you tell us about the contribution of everybody in Kancil art gallery?
Ans: In the KancilArt Gallery, we have a strong team artists and designers. To produce a book like a story book, when we get our scripts to talk about the characters, concepts and stories.We split into several parts.Starting with sketches,inking, color and design.Each artist has their own expertise. Finally, we produce quality work.
Ques. Always seen nature and humorous feel in your art, do you have any kind of reason behind this?
Ans: We lived in a multi culture nation, we travel all around the world. We met a lot of people. That’s inspired us to appreciate other people and other culture. It give us a lot of idea and we want to share ‘happiness’ to the world through our medium of communication; painting.
Ques. Your are one renown speakerand travel a lot, from where get you inspiration to discuses on new topics?
Ans: With some experience, a lot of references fromsome sources.Discusswithour counterparts, seminars, workshops and competitions. Now I amproudto seethe newsource(carnival.com) as a reference.
Ques. Are youbusy in any projectright now?
Ans: Yes for now I am working hard to complete the text book project with the Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Ques. What helped you to become the person you are today?
Ans: Mentor, senior and family.
Ques. What is your future planning for Kancil art gallery?
Ans: When people looking for prestigious and high quality painting, especially a portrait painting, caricature or digital painting, we hope that people will remember us.
Our future planning is to display our ‘masterpiece’ around the world and to paint as much as we can especially the people who inspired other people like politiciAns, businessman etc.
Ques. What’s your one line slogan for motivating animation or cg student?
Ans: Do a research about the subject, be patient, focus and always give your best.
Ques. Any massage for our readers?
Ans: People with talent is gifted. We share and appreciate them a lot.
Ques. Some words for Animation Carnival.
Ans: Thank you for your appreciation of our works. We hope a good cooperation with AC.ACmaybe themost prestigiousonline magazineandas a reference forcreator of art inthe world.
Thank you for taking the time out From your Busy schedule to answer these questions and share your knowledge with Animation Carnival.