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  • Mr. Jovab

  • Ques. Can we start off with just a quick introduction and a bit about you for the readers, please?

    Ans: Hi and  first of all thanks a lot to Animation carnival for giving me this name is jovab geofery.i am 24.i am a 3D-graphic designer a  graduate and has done by PG diploma in  Multimedia  designing .Designing  is my passion as well as profession. everything related to designing really moves me  and i always try to keep myself  into standard designs. Photography is another art which i love and which fascinates me. I am from Kerala  , currently working and staying in Bangalore.


    Ques. Do you have interest in this field from school time?

    Ans: Actually i always had interest in art ,designs ,media etc from a young age. but it was only after my graduation i took this as a serious way of life and started working on improving my skills. and fell in love with 3ds max.


    Ques. Please let our readers know about your journey in this field?

    Ans: This field of mine plays a very vital role in bringing up  myself as a designer ,and it still remains as a wonderful and memorable time of my life. i learned new things, new way of designs and tried new ways to find inspiration and to create beautiful artworks and also to admire and inspire the works of others. i have been working as a 3D-graphic designer for the past 1 and half years and many people mainly my friends and my parents had been of great help and support to me during my professional journey. Everyday i keep myself done with something for improving myself., because as far as i feel i have to travel and learn lot more in order to get myself involved in my field and i should be able to deliver good ,standard and beautiful designs or artworks. this is because i always learned by myself and from references which i daily see in the internet and i see myself  to go a long way in a short time.


    Ques. Who are your favorite comic and animated characters?

    Ans: I always watch animated movies as well as 3D short films. one of my favorite 3D character is 'scrat'-the sabre  toothed squirrel in Ice age series. some of the movies which i enjoyed a lot includes  Ratatouille, polar express, wall-e, kung fu panda.


    Ques. Will you tell us one greatest challenge and one easiest work until now?

    Ans: Each work was a great challenge for me, because meeting the deadlines  was  the main thing without compromising the quality. thus every work i did taught me something new and  made me capable of adjusting with such situations.


    Ques. What areas of your work do you enjoy the most?

    Ans: Specifically i would say that lighting is the main part which i enjoy a lot and which i keep on trying and trying for best results. Lighting plays a vital role in your work and the art of lighting doesn't have any's  up to the person who deals with it.

    Ques. Of all of your design work, which piece is your personal favorite and why?

    Ans: My favorite work  is the artwork named  psycho-bathroom. It's  just a 3d work of mine and not for any office purpose. I did that work with a reference image similar to that which i saw in a 3D website  was very much interested  and inspired seeing that work and wanted to give a try for myself also love texturing as well. creating maps and textures in Photoshop is my main job. I don't know how much i have succeeded in doing that  but  i tried to make it as realistic as possible and I really enjoyed doing that work. But still I love all my works till date.

    Ques. In which studios you worked till now. And what is your experience in each?

    Ans: I have been working for almost 1 and half years .currently working in a design consultancy named Bright Black Studios, Bangalore based company exclusively for 3D designs. Profession as a 3D designer was of great experience to me.i was able to meet many, learn from many and the companies which i worked gave me a platform for developing my art.

    Ques. Do you create any design without any reference, only made from your own visualization?

    Ans: Usually I do take references for my artworks. sometimes  I do check for design ,environment  ref etc for each part of my work. I have done designs  with my own visualization but very less compared to that done with references.

    Ques. What are your hobbies and how you spend your free time, if you have any?

    Ans: Usually I spend my time watching good movies and travelling. I do love movies  and movie-making. very much interested in photography as well.

    Ques. What’s your current projects are, please let us know more about it?

    Ans: current projects include walk-through and interior renders.

    Ques. Would you like to say something about animation carnival magazine and its initiative “Share Your Knowledge”?

    Ans: Thanks a lot for giving me a chance to show case my artwork through this magazine. Animation carnival magazine proves to be informative and inspiring for creative minds. All the best wishes.

    Thank you for taking the time out From your Busy schedule to answer these questions and share your knowledge with Animation Carnival.