Ques:Tell me about you by a little bit introductions?
Ans: Hi My name is David Revoy aka 'Deevad' and I'm a 31 years old illustrator and concept-artist with around 10 years of experience working freelancing from my home studio in Toulouse ( South of France ) I work in the area of book-covers, board games and video game concept art. My particularity is to use a workflow made of open-sources tools on Linux.

Ques:Give us a concise about your education and interest of this field?
Ans: I'm mostly a self taught artist. I did early class ( before bachelor ) of industrial object design, and also get private course of traditionnal art for painting portraits, watercolor , and oil painting.

Ques:Do you ever thing of become a superhero like He-man or Spiderman in your childhood?
Ans: No, I'm not really fan of super heros and American entertaining culture at this time. As a child I prefered to be the main heros of 聖剣伝説2 ( Seiken Densetsu 2 ) a Super Famicom video game with an art direction anime and fantasy.

Ques:Will you please give our readers a glance of your career till now?
Ans: Too complex to go into the details but roughly I think my online highlight are with the art direction of the open movie Sintel and the concept art of Tears of Steel. Side of educational product ; my both open DVDs Chaos&Evolutions and Blend&Paint and finally on commercial project Bobby Sitter, SidiBaba and Fedeylins book saga.

Ques:Where do all your ideas and inspirations come from? And why do you love creating them?
Ans: Those ideas come from everywhere, sketch, discutions, walking outside, when traveling etc. When the same idea come twice to knock my mind , I know I have to lay it down on a sketch or a digital canvas somewhere. Mostly to see 'how it works' in real life and not stocked into my imagination. This process is exiting while making it . I also take a lot of fun out of Chaos and Choatique shapes and pattern.

Ques:What inspired you to become an Artist?
Ans: In my family, my grantfather is a painter ( as a hobbist ), it's almost sure that I inherit when I was children a part of it. After, I can't remember why I started to draw more than other children. May be simply cause my friends liked to read my comics at this time I wanted clearly a carreer in this field since I was kid.

Ques:What is your favorite cartoon and comic character and why?
Ans: I love Son Goku , from Dragon Ball character as a cartoon and a comic character. His design is really effective instant recognisable haircut monkey tail , and cute rounded face and body. It's really a pleasure to see all his mimic inked by Akira Toryama on the 1st Dragon Ball book.
Ques:What are some of your favorite designs which you have seen?
Ans: Hard, because I'm fastly bored by a design , or an idea. But I know I really like how Square-Enix artist are creative into clothes design and landscape. I think they opened the door to the most creative fantasy made those last tens years into the top sellings product.
Ques:Do you use any special techniques and tools, such as a tablet, or is it mainly the mouse doing all the work?
Ans: I use only tablet here and I paint with using Krita , Mypaint and a bit of Gimp under Kubuntu 12.04 a Linux distribution. I use only free and open-sources programs.
Ques:What are some of your favorite websites that you go to?
Ans: I go daily to watch the page of the daily deviation on Deviant Art : http://today.deviantart.com/dds. I like to consume 'fresh art' from the day and this daily deviation system extract the most noticable works out of millions of artwork posted on Deviant Art. All is mixed , pixel art, painting, sculpt, digital , text , comics etc Ideal to feed my heart and enjoy creativity of other talented poeple on earth.
Ques:What are your hobbies and how do you spend your free time?
Ans: My main hobbie is drawing , so i spend my freetime with sketching to improve . This moment are different than the moment where I paint for a client. I'm more relax, hearing musics .
Ques:What’s your current projects are, please let us know more about it?
Ans: I work on a personnal Comic book project but I can't say more for the moment.
Ques:Which project of yours we are going to see next?
Ans: A videogame on Ipad platform , published by Greensauce Games , where I did some artworks for the screen. I don't have the exact name as we worked with code names but it should be named 'Joan of Arc' . And also the short movie 'Tears of Steels' , the 4th open movie of the Blender Foundation where I worked as a concept artist on the preproduction period.
Ques:What is your opinion on the education system of your field?
Ans: As everywhere, there are good teachers, and others. Level skills of students don't really depend of the teaching , but mainly of the way they get selected to enter school. The main problems with most of full-time teachers is the way they are disconnected from what happen on the reality of network freelancing.
Ques:You are working for quite a long time in this industry; will you now share your knowledge with students?
Ans: I started a bit last years 2 weeks here and there in a high-school of CG , for fast trainings. I enjoy making this Yes, I'll probably do more teaching in future.
Ques:Any massage for our readers?
Ans: I wish you to realise yourself in your passion , thanks for reading this interview.