Event Category: Animation, Documentaries, Short Films
Starts: May 10, 2013
Ends: May 12, 2013
Submission Deadline: Mar 04, 2013
Location: Palermo, Italy
Contact Name: Fabrizio Saputo
Email: info@sorsicorti.it
About Event:
The call for entries of SorsiCorti Short Film Festival 7th Edition is online. The event, produced by Piccolo Teatro Patafisico, will consist of three evenings that will take place May 10-11-12, 2013 in Palermo.This year we offer four sections in contest, with a few changes from previous editions: a national competition "On any subject Italy" for works produced in Italy, the running time of which must not exceed 20 minutes for Fiction, Animation, Videoart categories and 30 minutes for Documentary category; an international competition "On any subject International Competition" for works produced outside Italy, the running time of which must not exceed 20 minutes for Fiction, Animation and Video art categories and 30 minutes for Documentary category; the real novelty of this year "Cortissimi/a glass in a minute" for works produced in or outside Italy, the running time of which must not exceed 1 minute, with the appearance of wine in video as a prerequisite; and the last section “SorsiSound” dedicated to music video clips from and outside Italy. Registration for the competition is open until March 4, 2013.