Thor The Dark World Official Game Trailer 2
Back in July Gameloft announced Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game, and official game (in case you didn't gather that) for the upcoming movie Thor: The Dark World. It's a hack 'n slash title, somewhat similar looking to their long-running Dungeon Hunterseries, but with heaps more Thor. It actually looked pretty awesome, and today the company has released a new trailer for the game which reinforces that feeling even further.
Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game is set to release sometime in November, and will be a free-to-play title. That last little bit will likely be the main determining factor, as visually and mechanically the title looks really solid. Let's just hope it's less Dungeon Hunter 4 and more Plants vs. Zombies 2 in the pay model department. Stop by our forums for some discussion on the upcoming title, and keep those eyes peeled for Thor: The Dark World in a couple of months.